Ways to generate passive income online

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Majority of people fall into 'get rich quick' scams and lose their entire investments trying to make money online. Making money online is easy, might be tax-free depending on where you are based and always should be legal. Also, anyone at a particular age can genuinely make money online. The Internet has so many avenues of making money online that are yet to be discovered. Some businesses operate entirely online and generate a lot of profit. With the correct guidance, one can generate passive income and become financially independent without depending on a regular job. The only thing needed is discipline to revolutionize one's financial status in the long term.

Become an affiliate marketer

This is a performance-based marketing strategy whereby the affiliate marketer receives commission or rewards based on the sales generated for the company he/she promotes. The affiliate marketer is given several products to market by the company, and he/she is to earn profit from each sale they make. Also, the number of people they convince to purchase the product determines the commission given to the affiliate marketer. The affiliate marketer can promote the products by different means, such as posting the products on their social media pages with the special links of purchase provided by the companies.

Affiliate marketing is a proven way to extra income online, and there are thousands of affiliate programs available on the Internet. There a lot of social media influencers that depend on affiliate marketing to make passive income, and it works pretty well for them. One advantage of affiliate marketing is that you don't have to spend money to become an affiliate marketer, and that's true for most affiliate marketing programs. With affiliate marketing, you can make money even when sleeping or doing other jobs.

Email marketing

Email marketing is a great way of making money online, depending on the number of email subscribers that one has. It takes quite sometime before one can reap huge profits from email marketing, but the wait is worth it. First of all, to become an email marketer, one needs to set up an email software then create a lead magnet that they can use in their sales funnel. A sales funnel is a marketing model with a step by step guide of the journey potential customers undertake towards the purchase of a product or service.

Email marketing is the most effective way of nurturing and connecting with leads. The only way of achieving success through email marketing is by growing the number of email subscribers. There are various ways to add more people to the list of subscribers, such as content upgrades, building ebooks, and cheat sheets. In a short period, email marketing will prove to be a good way of earning extra income online.


Many people own blogs but have absolutely no idea how to monetize their blogs. The only thing that bloggers need to do is choosing the correct and most profitable niche. Be it fashion, business, finance, lifestyle, entertainment, photography, or health and fitness. Blogging about a niche you're passionate about will make it easy to connect with your audience and, in turn, generate more traffic. Advertising using tools such as Google Adsense are various ways of monetizing a blog. Also, promoting private ads and sponsored posts is profitable. Other methods include affiliate marketing through your blog, selling digital products, and selling memberships.


This is the most effective way of earning extra income online. You can be your own boss working online as long as you have the required skills. The highest paying freelance jobs on the Internet today are web development, programming, video editing, writing, among many others. Starting out as freelance worker can be quite difficult but the benefits are immense if you stay disciplined and resilient. You only need a laptop and internet connection to become an efficient freelance worker. With the right skills, networking with the right people and delivering high quality work freelance work pays of. There are a lot of websites that offer freelancing opportunities on the Internet, and all you need to do is sign up with them free of charge.


Webinars are lectures, presentations, or seminars conducted over the Internet in real-time using a video conferencing software. They help to build brand awareness and allow for interactivity and sending/receiving information in real-time. The only thing you need is to be proficient in a particular niche and get an audience. Earn by product or service marketing with a goal of securing a deal. Also, offering training to your audience for people who want to pay to learn works.


Shopify is the world's most popular ecommerce website builder, with over 800,000 merchants. With their trusted name comes a robust platform that makes it easy to manage customer orders, inventory, pricing, shipping, discounts and coupons.

Also, their website features helpful affiliate FAQs and promotional ideas.

Cryptocurrency Holds the Key to the future

Cryptocurrency Holds the Key to the future

When cryptocurrency started, it was only a dream or virtual concept until the creation of Bitcoin in 2009 by Satoshi Nakamoto that turned the academic concept to reality. Cryptocurrency is a decentralized (have no central bank) digital currency that can be sent from one user to another without the need of an Intermediary. Advanced encryption techniques manage the currency and transactions are recorded in the public blockchain. Individuals that trade cryptocurrency must have cryptographic keys, aka wallets. Bitcoin, the largest cryptocurrency, has since evolved from peer-to-peer electronic cash transfer to being more of a settlement layer than a payment network. However, there's a raging debate over the future of cryptocurrencies and the blockchain technology in general. After the start of Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) pandemic, Bitcoin very closely correlated to Stock Markets like the DOW ( Dow Jones Industrial Average ). Also the BTC cryptocurrency now trading at $9200 USD has been increasingly correlated with the S&P 500, Wall Street's equity index and benchmark for global stock markets. Many people wonder if these alternative currencies will eventually replace conventional currencies such as the dollars and euros, or they're just a passing fad. However, to answer this, one must first understand the concept and aim of cryptocurrencies. Decentralization of cryptocurrency hinders it from any government manipulation or interference. The negative side of it is that there's no central regulatory authority. Local currencies are highly centralized and supervised by the local governments. In case a bank goes bankrupt or closes down, the local currency deposits are always insured against. However, when it comes to cryptocurrency it is a whole different story. Cryptocurrencies have no monetary policy objectives hence lack support mechanisms. The value of cryptocurrency entirely depends on the investor willing to pay for it at a particular time.

There are a few changes that can work to add credibility and trust to those investing in cryptocurrencies. If cryptocurrencies get floated in Nasdaq or any other large stock exchange by market capitalization, it may have a chance to compete fairly or be used as an alternative to conventional currencies. Another option that could work to add credibility to cryptocurrencies transfer is to get a verified exchange-traded fund (ETF). There's no significant difference between getting an ETF and getting listed on Nasdaq just that ETF trades investment funds on stock exchanges. All these options can work as support mechanisms to put more trust in those who want to trade or invest in cryptocurrencies.

Cryptocurrencies have a few limitations that need to be countered in the future to avoid the risk of becoming unpopular. Such limitations include the fact that the digital fortune can be lost or erased by a hacker ransacking a digital vault or computer crash. Also, the fact that without a digital key, clients can easily lose their funds or digital fortunes, as was the case when Quadriga CX Crypto CEO died holding the passwords that could unlock millions in customer coins. That is just one cautionary tale of how lack of support mechanisms and regulations could be costly. Although some of these challenges could be dealt with as technology advances, there's need for a long-lasting solution to make cryptocurrencies more credible.

On a more positive note, Cryptocurrencies in the future may rise to compete and replace flat currencies. This can only happen when the number of merchants that accept payment through cryptocurrency steadily increases over the years. Currently, only a few merchants accept cryptocurrencies, but once they gain widespread acceptance, they'll become widely accepted and a force to reckon with. Hence, it'll attract more investors in the long run. Right now, only the technologically adept merchants are willing to trade in cryptocurrency. However, for that to happen, consumers must first understand how cryptocurrencies work and be sure their transactions are safeguarded.

In the future, various measures should be put in place to preserve user anonymity and prevent other nefarious activities from occurring under the cryptocurrency umbrella. Blockchain technology would be much more successful if it avoids government scrutiny; hence no tough regulatory measures would be placed on digital asset companies. As a result, they'll run much more smoothly and gain more trust from investors. Also, cryptocurrencies ought to provide a more appealing alternative to fiat currencies in the event of a market correction.

Thanks to the fundamental nature of blockchain technology, cryptocurrencies retain their value even in the face of an economic strife when the fiat currencies will be faltering. Thus, attracting the interest of many investors who would turn to cryptocurrency to safeguard their savings. Even in an economic crisis, cryptocurrencies are set to thrive thanks to their untethered nature, moving money across borders won't be an issue.

Puzzling Karoshi Phenomenon

Puzzling Karoshi Phenomenon

Japan is today a leading industrial nation that plays in the big league along with the world's most industrialized countries. Yet this has come at a price. The Japanese work environment has increasingly become so intense that the word Karoshi has come into Japan's national dictionary. In the 1970s, the word Karoshi was first invented. When translated literally, Karoshi simply means ‘death by overwork'. In reality, Karoshi represents the idea of death by overwork or what may be referred to as a sudden-death occupational mortality.

Some major medical causes of this puzzling phenomenon are stroke and heart attacks due to stress, long work hours or a starvation diet. At times, Karoshi may also involve a situation where employees commit suicide as a result of overwork. The first case of Karoshi was in 1969. Then, a 29-year-old man, who worked in Japan's largest newspaper's shipping department, died after suffering a sudden heart attack.

By 1978, there was a consistent but disturbing pattern of people developing heart failure and fatal strokes that could be traced directly to overwork. This attracted the attention of both scholars and government agencies for the first time. By 1982, the term Karoshi came into popular public usage. Indeed, a book dealing with the novel issue was first published that year.

In time, the term Karoshi quickly emerged to become part of the Japanese public life. This was especially so in the mid-1980s at the time of the famous ‘bubble economy.' At this time, several high-ranking corporate executives who were in their prime years suffered the ravages of sudden death without ever showing any previous signs of illness. Japanese officials now recognized the Karoshi phenomenon as a significant menace afflicting people in the workforce. This prompted Japan's ministry of Labour to publish consistent statistics on Karoshi beginning in 1987.

These measures were aimed at helping to decrease the number of deaths resulting from Karoshi, but the effect was to take some time before anything positive came out. Even as recently as July 2013, yet another employee was reported to have died from this sad phenomenon. Miwa Sado, the 31-year-old woman, who was a journalist, died straight from heart failure. The woman had logged in a startling 158 hours of overtime, in a single month, at his employer's NHK news network. It was not until October 2017 that Sado's death was officially registered by the government as a classic Karoshi case.

Meanwhile, around the same time, a 24-year-old worker of the Japanese advertising company, Dentsu, tragically jumped to her death from a balcony in the company dorm room. She had lived in this dormitory, working 100-hours in a month. This apparently led her to commit suicide. A month after the horrible incident, Tadashi Ishii, the Dentsu CEO and president, was forced to resign for this embarrassing culpability.

Work Culture

The concept of karoshi may well be traced back to the days of World war II. At that time, when the country was freshly war-torn, Japanese Premier, Shigeru Yoshida, made it a top priority to build Japan's tattered economy. As part of this initiative, the government prompted the major corporations to give their workers life-long job security as long as these proved to be loyal to the hilt.

Despite the fact that the big plan was meant to boost the Japanese economy, the Japanese workers were compelled to give up on their work-life balance in order to achieve this. Yes, the plan worked to catapult Japan into a leading industrialized state but all these came at a huge price. Within just a decade of the commencement of the government's official ‘work-to-death' policy, many cases of Karoshi started to happen. Many workers were apparently ready to sacrifice their family and personal time to make a good impression with the bosses and boost loyalty ties with their employers. They wanted to keep their jobs at any cost. It was not long before this situation started taking a toll on the Japanese workers who wanted to build the national economy at any cost.

Most of these workers regularly spent long hours in the office, suffering from sleep deprivation. The burden of meeting the demands of the employers started taking a toll on them, prompting many to get into suicide. Many others may not have died, but they suffered the ravages of stroke and heart attack. In time, the fatalities were clearly recognized as job-relate cases. The phenomenon, overtime, came to be labelled as ‘occupation sudden-death'.

The cult of Superwomen deters women in business


Baroness Gabby Bertin, a member of Theresa May's new task force to encourage women in their careers, said that the cult of superwomen "having it all" is dissuading women from starting their own businesses. She said it is time to "be honest" about "how challenging' it is to be successful in a career while having children.

She added: "All the talk of superwomen having it all is not very helpful to most women in this country."

The conservative peer was a key aide to David Cameron during his time in Opposition and as Prime Minister. Bertin is part of a group of senior women who have been appointed to ensure all policy developed by the Government considers the impact on women and strives to increase their role in politics, business and society as a whole.

Lady Bertin criticized the philosophy of "lean in" which urges women to be more proactive at seizing career opportunitinies. "‘Leaning in' is all very well if you are a highly-paid executive with wraparound childcare, but less so if you are a single parent or if both of you work very long hours and there is a hard stop for nursery pick-up," she said. "It also should not be a crime against your career to want to see your children awake during the week."

The peer also criticized programmes like Peppa Pig for reinforcing gender stereotypes that hold women back. "Deeply ingrained gender stereotypes starts early on," she said. ‘It can still subconsciously drive women and men down different paths."

Lady Bertin also addressed the challenges working fathers face and called for the "stamping out of a macho culture that sniggers behind its hand at shared parental leave or dads playing a bigger role."

The Government's new task force strives to ensure all policy developed by the Government considers the impact on women and tries to increase their role in politics, business and society. Made up of a committee of peers, MPs and policy experts, the group is chaired by Nikki Da Costa, the head of legislative affairs at N010.

Helen Rose, COO of TSB and one of the most senior women in the UK's retail banking sector, has tried for many years to get more senior women in business. As a result, she is encouraging other senior women in business to share their stories to encourage women to make it to the top.

Rose meets with groups of women from across the business to share tips to make it in the business world. "I tell them the story of when I was offered the COO job at TSB and was given 24 hours to make up my mind," she said. "You have to just say yes and think later about how to make it work. Often women don't get as far as saying yes, because they've already thought about what would be difficult. Women need to be bolder, because if you're not, you'll find that one of your peers - often of the male variety - beats you to the top."

Rose climbed to the top despite working in a male-dominated environment. She started her career as an accountant and then became an auditor. "I was told early on in my career that it was a good idea for women to move into tax, as it was less confrontational!" Despite the difficulties, Rose stood her ground. "That didn't resonate with me, as I believe women can be good at resolving confrontations."

She launched her career in senior finances roles in retail and worked in the industry over 15 years - at Dixons, Safeway and Forte. Although the retail industry usually attracts more women, at Forte, Rose was the only woman out of all the senior staff worldwide. "There was a lot of locker-room banter. In that situation, it's hard to bring your whole self to work."

Things changed when she joined what was there Lloyds TSB in 2005 where two of her three bosses were actually women. "Everyone was very generous and welcoming, but there was still a traditional, paternalistic culture," says Rose. "One of my direct reports said to me: ‘I haven't offered Jo the promotion because she's pregnant and I don't want to put more pressure on her.' And I said, ‘Well, isn't that Jo's choice?'"

A new opportunity opened up for Rose and her team to create the kind of company they wanted when TSB separated from Lloyds after the banking crisis. "Building a bank from scratch was incredibly complex, but it was great to write our own mission statement and think about what we wanted our values to be," she said.

"From the very beginning we built a much more gender-balanced team - 37% of our senior managers were women. Now we're up to 42% and we're aiming for 45-55%." Thanks to this change, Rose said "you're much more able to be relaxed, be yourself and bring all of your talents to work."

Rose criticised the tag of "superwoman" and said it's possible to reach the top without being one. "I personally don't like that tag, as it puts women off. We all face challenges; we just need to be more honest and open about how we ‘made it'."