Ayn Rand

Get inspired: Great quotes from Ayn Rand

If you run a business or are planning to start one and need some inspiration, it is imperative you get in the right frame of mind for success. Ayn Rand was one of the world's foremost writers on the subject of capitalism and its crucial role in creating a healthy and happy society, not just for the...
business meeting

Doing business: digital etiquette

The rules of business etiquette have been around, seemingly, forever. Yet, in these days of remote everything, video calls, email attachments and archived data, the landscape has shifted dramatically. In order to deal with the change, here are some new tips on business etiquette. Turn off the gadge...
Big Data

How the era of Big Data could benefit your biz

There is no question or debate about it: now is the era of Big Data. As hardware that creates, shares and stores data becomes more ubiquitous and easier to use, the amount of data increases at rates never before thought probable or possible. The big question in 2018, for many companies, will be: how...
hire employees

In defence of complete honesty

For many small business people, particularly those running a brand new start up, the question of how much information you should share with your employees and you customers is a very pertinent one. While, undoubtedly, people prefer to work for a company and buy from a company that seems to be succes...

Get Motivated Inspirational Quotes

Getting motivated in business is not always easy. It doesn't matter how many qualifications you have on your CV, how much experience you have or how high the figure on your payslip is. If you want to stay successful, you have to stay motivated. Here is a list of quotes from successful people to get...
Rupert Murdoch

Rupert Murdoch quotes

Rupert Murdoch is one of global business' most divisive figures. The Australian-American magnate inherited the News Limited business in 1952 and turned it into what is now known as News Corporation, the world's second largest media conglomerate. With television stations, publishing houses and newspa...
pop up store

Is pop-up marketing useful for your business?

Pop-up marketing has nothing to do with those ads that jump up on your screen when you click on website that you can't close fast enough. Rather, it is a grass roots way to connect with your target market that is low-risk, high-impact and, comparatively, low-cost. It is also becoming increasingly po...
blogging social media business

Business and social media

Today, business marketing and social media are intertwined like never before. Just about every company, in every industry, attempts to get in contact with its customer based through these platforms. For new products or companies in emergent industries, the way they use social media can be the differ...
taxi ny

Extreme Weather & Your Business

As David Brinkley once said; "A successful man is one who can lay a firm foundation with the bricks that others throw at him", however sometimes the bricks thrown are not from other people but from forces beyond our control. For those who operate a business in areas of high weather risk such as arou...

Foreign Languages in the Work Place

Nelson Mandela once said "If you talk to a man in a language he understands, that goes to his head. If you talk to him in his own language, that goes to his heart". The world is becoming smaller as business becomes more international, flights become cheaper, and more people decide to emigrate to a n...
wind green

The true cost of going green

There is a lot of pressure on businesses these days to show that they are supporting local communities, charities and the environment. In 2015, a study concluded the the global economic value of bees is €265billion, and in an age where people study the economic value of the environment as a universi...

How to be a Better Communicator

If you take a browse through the abundance of online articles that cover the traits that employers seek out the most, one that repeatedly and unsurprisingly makes an appearance is communication; both written and verbal. An employer can judge this prior to hiring somebody through exchanging emails, s...
social media

Social Media & You

These days, everybody has a Facebook page and an online presence of sorts. Most businesses also have a social media presence which comes with substantial advantages. Some businesses prosper a lot more with the internet than others, however, especially if you have a new business, it pays to have a po...
office hours working

Shorter Working Day Debate

There are many articles online regarding a trend in Sweden to shorten the standard working day. The results have been somewhat ambiguous with some substantial benefits and also some substantial problems emerging as a result of this. Initially, the concept was introduced in an attempt to increase pro...
rent a cow

7 Unusual Businesses

Business doesn't always means suits and ties, stocks and offices. It sometimes seems that people will do just about anything to accumulate money. Here are seven examples of unusual businesses which are, surprisingly, turning a profit. 1 - Reserve a spot in Heaven There is a website where you can...
stock market

The Stock Exchange for Beginners

The Stock Market is a phrase we all know and use but many of us, when put on the spot, know absolutely nothing about. We all picture men in suits waving paper in the air and shouting at other men in suits in front of screens, when actually in reality the vast majority of stock trading on the market...

Time Management

There are 24 hours in each day, each filled with 60 minutes of sixty seconds. This is the physical reality of the world we live in and it cannot be denied, but there never seems to be enough time when we need it and there's always too much when we don't. They key to time management is not about find...
sustainability talk

Environmental Social Governance

The acronym ESG stands for ‘Environmental, Social and Governance' which refers to three factors measuring the sustainability and the ethical impact of investing in a company by evaluating corporate behaviour. Financial assets tend to be placed where the largest return is predicted, however there are...